

About CPE Alouette

The CPE Alouette (Early Childhood Centre) is a Francophone educational childcare service subsidized by the Ministère de la Famille du Québec. Daily, it welcomes 80 children from 0 to 5 years old. It is located in the residential area of the CFB in Bagotville, and exclusively offers its services to the personnel of the CFB. Although it is a childcare centre based in a workplace, the CPE Alouette remains an autonomous and independent corporation of the CFB which reports to a board of directors whose members are mostly parents who use the child care service.

Reduced contribution program

In Quebec, certain day care centers such as CPEs are funded by the state and come under the «Law and regulations on educational childcare services». The CPEs are responsible, among other things, for providing quality educational services and for implementing the Accueillir la petite enfance program.

Parents who attend a CPE benefit from discounted rates. You will find all the information concerning pricing and service agreements by clicking on the following link:

When the child is registered with the CPE Alouette, the parent must, among other things, provide the following documents:

  • Birth certificate or passport of the parent who will sign the agreement
  • Birth certificate of the child
  • Proof of employment at CFB Bagotville


Find a place in a CPE

Since 2018, all recognized day care centers (CPE, daycares and home environments) must exclusively use the online service for parents’ registration at «La Place’s 0-5» to fill their vacancies. Place 0-5 is the only gateway for parents to access all of the recognized day care services in Quebec.

The Alouette CPE has an admission policy to establish the eligibility criteria for children and the procedures to be followed to fill a vacant or replacement place.


Priority Criteria

CPE Alouette gives priority to the military and civilian community at CFB Bagotville. The CPE is subsidized and can accommodate 80 children from 0 to 5 years old.
When a place becomes vacant, the vacant place is filled in the following order of priority:

  1. Child of a staff member of CPE Alouette;
  2. Child whose attendance status is part-time;
  3. Siblings of a child attending the CPE;
  4. Child of a military parent requiring «special needs»;
  5. Child of all military personnel «attached to CFB Bagotville»;
  6. Child of a «full-time reservist»;
  7. Child of a civilian parent «working at CFB Bagotville» whose status is permanent.

Following the application of these criteria listed above, children will be admitted to the CPE according to their inscription on the waiting list. No other criteria or approach are considered for the allocation of vacant places in our CPE.

To register:


Business hours

Daycare service: Monday to Friday, from 6:45 am to 6:00 pm

The child can attend CPE for up to 10 hours a day, Monday to Friday.

Within 10 hours of attendance, 1 dinner and 2 snacks will be offered. The child can attend the CPE a maximum of 10 hours a day.


The groups

The 80 children of the CPE Alouette are divided into 10 groups, each of which has its own premises. There is an educator assigned to each group.

  • There are 2 groups of 4 year olds
  • 2 groups of children 18 months and under
  • 6 groups of children from 18 months to 4 years

The CPE can count on a team of educators trained in early childhood education who is supported by a support staff specialized in nutrition and led by a management team.


Educational quality

Educational quality is the basis of the actions of the CPE Alouette. You will find all the information you need to understand what we offer in terms of educational services for children by clicking on the following link:


Health and safety of children

It is a priority for us to ensure the health and safety of children in our community. You will find all the necessary information by clicking on the following link:


Educational program

To consult the educative program «Accueillir la petite enfance»:


The Bagotville Military Family Resource Center

As a workplace CPE which offers its services exclusively to military families at CFB Bagotville, we are in contact with the military family resource center, which can also be of great help and a good source of information.


For any other information, contact us, and we will make every effort to answer your questions and direct you to the adequate resources, if necessary.